New Gene Approach Welcomes You
With Every Child

Who We Are
Dedicated to Enhancing the Lives of Others. C.E.O ASONGACHA CYRIL. F
*New Gene Approach à nd it's Sustainable Development Goals for all Children
MISSION: To Empower and Promote Children while Protecting their Rights
VISION: Creating a Haven for Children's Dreams and Rights.
MOTTO: With Every Child
WHAT PROBLEM OUR WE TRYING TO SOLVE? Just like our mission statement is to; Empower and promote children while protecting their rights. It is through this statement that we have been able to identify numerous problems affecting our society. Some of the major problems that we have identified and are working on at the moment include;
CLIMATE CHANGE: The world is experiencing climate change at a geometrical rate and it is scientifically proven that if we do not take immediate and sustainable actions to solve this problem, then in the next 25 years from now, humans will face even more dangerous challenges while living on earth, ranging from very high global warming, numerous forest fires, high level of pollution, loss of wildlife's and human life's due to climate change. So our organization want to solve the problem of climate change by empowering children to get involved in finding the solution to climate change, by joining the their efforts together with our leaders and other organizations locally and internationally to tackle climate change
EDUCATION: There are thousands of reasons why children must be educated on very sensitive issues affecting our society like; children rights, Climate change, gender base violence and gender inequalities not forgetting health education. Most of this issues are not opened to children in most of the schools in our Communities, so we want to promote education through the below listed objectives.
1 - TO EMPOWER CHILDREN THROUGH EDUCATION. Our team instills in children not just conventional education but also Environmental Education, Health Education, Acceptance of Diversity and Living Together. This is attained by educating them on the principles of human rights, moral responsibility towards each other and the society as well as tolerance of each other’s self, values and beliefs. We believe that will have as effect to create youths who educate and impact the community in which they find themselves positively.
2 - PROMOTING AND PROTECTING THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN. Our team sets out this goal to cater promote and protect the rights of children in communities which practice the violation of children’s rights by carrying out acts such as child labor, child terrorism, forceful marriages and child abuseAlso, we aim at protecting the fundamental rights of children to education by providing them with material, moral and financial support where they do not have.
3 - PROVIDING CLEAN WATER, FOOD AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO VULNERABL COMMUNITIES.Communities who are facing challenges and crisis, such as conflicts where civilians are highly affected, water crisis, shortage or lack of food to survive and financial support to families who are unable to give their children a Full Square Meal, Education and Proper Health Care.

With Every Child

Health campaign on Hygiene and Sanitation
January 28, 2021
This campaign was held in orderr to educate children on the benefits of practicing good hygiene, and how to take care of their immediate environment.The organization Donated some basic School needs like; Exercise books, Pens, pencils, school bags and toilet papers to pupils of the Government Primary School Ndongo Buea Cameroon

The Mentrual Hygiene Campaign
May 28, 2021
On the world's mentrual Hygiene Day, New Gene Approach together with 6 other organizations partnered to educate and impact the lives of Young girls, adolescents and Women of the Mile 14 community. Authorization was given to us by the Chief of the Mile 14 community to mobilise the area. This campaign took place in two major phases with the first being carried out at a local school campus of this area, were young girls and adolescents were educated on the benefits of practicing good Mentrual Hygiene and a lesson on Mentrual cycle.We reached out to 165 young girls and adolescents and we donated 300 packs of sanitary pads, 200 toilet papers and detergents to this girls.The second phase took part at the Mile 14 Community Hall, were women of this community gathered and we're educated on Mentrual Hygiene and Family planning in the present of the chief and his colleagues.We reached out to 64 women (all above 24 years of age) in total.400 packs of sanitary pads, 200 toilet papers and detergents were donated to the women of this community.The campaign was very successful and the inhabitants of the mile 14 community were so happy to an extent that the chief of mile 14 awarded us with Certificates of a job well done.

Back to School Campaign for a Sustainable Environment
August 17, 2021
New Gene Approach visited the local community of Mutengene, Southwest region of Cameroon on Tuesday the 18th of 2021.We held a workshop on career pathways and the following was done; Educating the pupils of the CBC women Nursery and primary school Mutengene on career pathways. This campaign was focused on impacting children with the right Knowledge and ways to identify what career to start thinking, dreaming and focusing on at the very early stages of their Life's. In Accord with the back to school campaign which was lunched earlier this month, children where giving free books, Pens, pencils, rulers just to name a few. This campaign was aim at letting children see the value of education not just as a means of earning but also as a means to accept culture, diversity and building the community in a positive manner.

Environmental Education as a key in tackling Climate change
January 12, 2021
Environmental Education is a key tool in fighting climate change. Our team have lunch several campaings to educate Both children and adults on climate change, global warming, pollution and conserving our Ecosystem by protecting the damage of trees and animal species.Our Mangrove trees are in danger, Chimpanzees and other wild life species are all in danger of extinction.This children and Communities must be informed on the danger that this will bring to our already changing climate.
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molyko , Buea, Cameroon